Hello 👋🏻, I'm Lucas!
Full Stack developer since 2018, first in agencies and then as a freelancer, I specialize in the development of SAAS solutions.
Learn more about my experiences
Download my resume🌠 Front-End stack:
- JavaScript - TypeScript: Vue.js v2/v3, Nuxt.js v2/v3, Vuetify
- Templating: HTML5, Pug, Twig, Blade
- Style: CSS3, SASS, Stylus, PostCSS, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap v3/v4, UiKit
- Serverless: Netlify, Firebase
- Testing: Jest, Cypress
- Headless CMS: Strapi
- Tooling: Vite, Rollup, Webpack v4/v5, Gulp.js, Lerna, Nx, ESLint, Prettier
🧠 Back-End stack:
- JavaScript - TypeScript: Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js
- PHP: Laravel, Livewire, Jetstream
- DBMS: MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB
- Architecture: UML, Merise
- Testing: Jest
⚙️ System administration:
- Distribution: Ubuntu, Debian, Alpine Linux, OSX
- Container: Docker, docker-compose
- Server: Nginx, Apache2, Node.js
- Automation: Gitlab CI/CD, Buddy
🧩 Software craftsmanship:
- OOP, Functional programming
- Respect of the S.O.L.I.D principles
- Design pattern creation, structural and behavioral
- Git: Git Flow, GitHub, GitLab